Hi all, just posting real quick to let you know what’s up. I had hoped to be back at this project in November, and obviously that didn’t happen. The graphic novel I’m working on, Old Souls, expanded quite a bit beyond what I was expecting, going from 120 pages to 240, and it’s taking me a lot longer than I expected.
However! I’m nearing the finish line and will be done with the project in just another couple weeks. And, beyond that, I find myself in a position where I don’t have to make any money for about half a year, and I’m going to take that time to try to turn Jonny Crossbones into my full-time job. I plan to finish this story, write out the next one, try to find an agent to start the process of getting a print publisher, launch a Patreon, and try to get this whole thing rolling. I’ll see you all with some new updates in January or early February!
Congrats on seeing the finish line! Glad that things have worked out to a point where you can try do Jonny Crossbones full time – may it succeed! Until 2018 then! Have a great Christmas and New Year.
Yay! I’ll support you on Patreon.
Wonderful news! Looking forward to seeing Jonny in Print! Keep up the good work…
Yay indeed
Good to hear Form you.
My daughter and I are big fans of Tintin. We read a couple of other clear line comics, Blake & Mortimer and Rainbow Orchid, but they’re not really the same. Then we found this comic: awesome!
Can’t wait to get more updates! I notice there’s an Amazon entry: https://www.amazon.com/Jonny-Crossbones-Dead-Devils-Cove/dp/1593075243
What’s up with that? Have you considered publishing the already-finished chapters? We would definitely buy them!
A few years ago I had a deal to publish the story through Dark Horse. I was a little slow producing the book, though, and it got cancelled, but not before Amazon put up an entry.
I’ve been working up a plan to try to finish up this story and get it published in the next year, so fingers crossed it’ll be out before too long!
I also love both Blake & Mortimer and Rainbow Orchid, they’re great books. I’m glad you’re enjoying this one!
Huzzah! Good news all around. I can’t wait to see “Old Souls.” I would definitely support you via Patreon.
Glad to hear! Love this series.
I’d be very interested to hear, from you, more about Rainbow Orchid!
This is terrific news!!!!!
I would also love to support you on Old Souls on Patreon. What’s the best way for us to get notified when you do the Patreon launch? Do you have a mailing list?
Congrats on Old Souls! And looking forward to more Jonny and the gang! I hope all continues to go well for you.
Yay! So excited about this!
WAHOO!!!! Wonderful! I can relax now, I got my Jonny fix…